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Re-imagining our world, one old product at a time, starting with your grandmother’s radio.

We produce so much waste.  In Australia alone, we produce around 50 million tonnes of waste per year.  Boe wants to turn the tide on waste by finding new purposes for old devices, and they’re starting with the humble AM radio.

Hundreds of millions of radios were produced around the world in the decades before FM and digital radio were ever conceived.  Today millions still exist as beautiful dust collectors, cluttering bookshelves, garages and secondhand shops, but when was the last time you turned one on?

To breath new life into these beautiful old objects, Boe is removing some of their antiquated and unreliable electronics, and retro-fitting a brand new bluetooth compatible amplifier, turning obsolete radios into modern bluetooth speakers.  They are merging the old cases and speakers with new power and connectivity, giving bluetooth speaker functionality with old-world charm.


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